Castings from Germany
The advantages of cast components from Germany

Cast components – versatile and efficient
The advantages of cast components from Germany at a glance:

The shortest route from liquid metal to finished component

We offer the widest range of materials for all casting processes

Maximum diversity in component design

We are leaders in innovation

Hardly any restrictions regarding dimensions and unit weights

We offer comprehensive service from a single source

Shapes are close to finished dimensions

We offer maximum flexibility

Minimal material usage to adapt geometric forms to required stress standards

We offer secure infrastructures

100 % recyclable

Ours are the best standards of workplace safety and environmental protection

Extensive choice of materials guarantees specified functional safety and enables maximum range of applications

The quality of our training is unique worldwide

Optimal for bionic constructions

We are aware of our responsibility

Weldability of castings

We are recognised worldwide

High reproducibility plus strict quality assurance

A total cost of ownership (TCO) comparison is always worthwhile

Merging various functional elements into one cast component

Composite and compound materials available